Career Counseling

Are You Struggling To Reach Your Professional Goals?

Do you feel stuck in a mid-level position, unable to achieve your ambitions or move up despite years of hard work and dedication? Are you a CEO, Senior Executive, or business owner who is looking for a way to develop greater interpersonal or leadership skills?

Perhaps you’re thinking about counseling because you’re searching for a new job, going through a career transition, or re-entering the workforce after a long hiatus. 

Or maybe you’ve spent years in college preparing for a degree you’re not using or a profession that’s unfulfilling, and you need help figuring out what’s next. 

Everyone Finds Their Way To Career Counseling For Different Reasons

For instance, maybe your job is so demanding that you have zero work-life balance, which means you end up de-prioritizing relationships and isolating yourself. You may be dealing with overwhelming stress or anxiety due to a situation at home or work that you can’t get out of your mind. 

If you’re in a position of power or working in a high-stakes profession, you may feel inadequate or undeserving—as if you’re some sort of imposter. And the fear and uncertainty of change—even positive change—can create so much stress that making any kind of decision becomes impossible. 

After a while, all that weight can wear at your mental and physical well-being—which is why our career coaches at Key Counseling Group want to help. Whether you’re looking to land a specific job, move up the ladder, or find greater satisfaction in what you do, we can help you navigate that journey with success.

Many (If Not Most) People Seek Greater Job Fulfillment

Many professionals get stuck at a certain stage of their career or dislike what they do for a living. Oftentimes, that pushes people to forge new paths and set higher goals in search of happiness and success. Unfortunately, most people are never taught what success or happiness truly looks like, so it can be easy to feel like a failure if certain expectations are not being met.

Even rewarding, successful careers can be sidetracked by unexpected challenges:

  • Lack of recognition and appreciation, problematic workplace

  • Inadequate compensation, limited growth opportunities, job insecurity

  • Poor work-life balance, lack of autonomy and control, burnout

  • Corporations' inability to provide support or career development for employees

When it comes time to make a change, the fear of the unknown and the lack of clarity can make it nearly impossible to make a decision. You may have limited opportunities or guidance and support for making a career transition.

External pressures, self-imposed expectations, or unrealistic goals for success could be creating problems or setbacks in your plans. Or it could be that mental health concerns or a negative perception of yourself is holding you back professionally. 

Whatever your situation is, career counseling is a great opportunity to overcome obstacles, manage stressors, and finally make some progress. Working together, we can discover what happiness and success look like to you so we can identify concrete steps you can take to get there.

Career Counseling Can Offer You Clarity And Direction

Career coaching is for anyone looking to take control of their professional journey, whether you're just starting your career, contemplating a transition, or seeking to advance in your current role. It's a powerful tool that empowers you to realize your full potential by understanding and aligning your career path with what it is that makes you feel truly fulfilled. 

Our career coaches at Key Counseling Group are specially trained to provide you with guidance, support, and actionable strategies for taking the next step in building your future. We’ll help you establish career goals and overcome obstacles while equipping you with the clarity, tools, and support needed to thrive in what you do. 

How Would Career Coaching Sessions Work?

We’ll start with a conversational style interview that explores general concerns, such as where you are (vs where you want to be) in your career. We can talk about any challenges you’re facing or forces that are holding you back or making you feel stuck. 

In subsequent sessions, we can begin identifying any missing elements in your career or professional development that are creating a disconnect for you. We’ll define what gives you meaning and purpose while providing you with the skills to bridge that gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Our career coaching services also include: 

  • Personalized Action Plans/Goal-Setting

  • Skill Development and Enhancement

  • Resume and Interview Preparation

  • Accountability and Support 

  • Career Transition Assistance

How Do We Help Clients Reach Their Goals?

Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to career coaching, we tailor our online and in-person sessions to the professional needs of each individual. To do that, we listen deeply to every person to build a careful understanding of where the disconnect is in their sense of satisfaction. 

For some clients, successful career counseling looks like “leveling up” or building communication/ leadership skills—and for others, it looks like quitting or completely changing career paths. So, each person’s journey is different. That said, we can still work on a few common goals:

  • Gaining a clear understanding of your strengths, interests, values, and long-term career aspirations

  • Identifying, setting, and achieving realistic, meaningful career goals that align with your personal and professional ambitions

  • Using coaching sessions to build and hone leadership, management, communication, and interpersonal skills

  • Developing the insight, knowledge, and competencies needed to foster long-term success and growth in your field

  • Coaching for improving work-life balance, relationship-building, networking—managing transitions and career changes

As career advisors and coaches, we’re here to support you in cultivating a mindset of curiosity, learning, and adaptation that enables you to thrive in whatever field you’re in. Ultimately, we want to help you be confident in your ability to go in the direction you want to go—to feel comfortable with navigating whatever lies on the horizon.

Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into what you do, find some clarity from a strategic standpoint, or change direction altogether, we’re here for you. With the help of our certified career counselors at Key Counseling Group, you can make informed decisions and lead a fulfilling, successful professional life that aligns with your values, goals, and vision of the future. 

Perhaps You’re Considering Career Counseling But Still Have Concerns…

How do I know this is going to work?

Right now, you are probably so overwhelmed, stressed out, and worried that it’s nearly impossible to make a clear decision on anything. Career coaching allows you to step back, take inventory of things, and work with someone who can offer clarity and perspective. If you are intentional and willing to put the time and effort into professional growth—and if you trust the process—you will see results. 

How do I make space for this when I already don't have a lot of time?

At Key Counseling Group, we understand that spare time is a rare commodity, which is why we offer both online and in-person career coaching services. Meeting from home or wherever you can find a space of privacy means you’ll save time while still staying on top of your game. Plus, by making space in your life for coaching, you can take control of your career, make decisions confidently, and find greater meaning in what you do.

Is the financial investment worth it?

Career coaching is ultimately an investment in yourself, your long-term professional growth, and your overall well-being. Improving relationships, reducing stress, developing valuable skills, achieving a healthy work-life balance, and reaching your full potential—how much is that worth? So, if you are interested in advancing your career, finding greater satisfaction, or making a transition into something new, the temporary investment that career counseling involves can lead to a lifetime of benefits.

Let Us Help You Find Greater Satisfaction In Your Career

If you are looking to transition into a new job, advance in your current field, or simply feel like what you do matters, our career counselors want to help. Please call 678-400-9477 for your free, 20-minute consultation to see how our online or in-person career coaching services at Key Counseling Group can help you build a better future.

 Therapists Who Can Help

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