Support Anxiety Therapy With These Symptom Management Techniques

Anxiety disorders impact millions of people across the globe. Lamentably, many anxiety symptoms merely won’t “go away” on their own. For numerous people, therapy is the best way to combat issues of anxiety and learn how to manage symptoms.

Going to a therapist can help you to understand the root of your fears better. Once you know your triggers, you can work with a therapist to develop management skills for your symptoms.

Of course, there are plenty of natural things you can do on your own. Fighting back against anxiety is a constant battle. So, in addition to therapy, there are a few ways to manage anxiety within your day-to-day routine.

Let’s look at a few of those symptom-management techniques.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

You’ve probably heard the saying, “you are what you eat,” This absolutely rings true for people with anxiety. What you eat and drink can significantly impact feelings of fear and worry. Some of the things you should avoid consuming include in excess are caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.

Caffeine can put your body under stress and cause it to respond as though you are having a panic attack. The "jump-start" feeling most people crave with a cup of coffee is not necessarily helpful to an anxiety sufferer. Alcohol, nicotine, and other substances, too, are often used to cope with mental health conditions. You should avoid them if possible, as it can be a slippery slope when you start using them.

Instead, focus on a healthy, balanced diet. Fortify your brain and body with whole foods that make you feel good and give you energy like lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains.

Stay away from foods that make you feel sluggish and lethargic like fried options, convenience food, and excess refined sugar. Also, don't discount the benefit of hydration in fostering physical relaxation and calm.

Exercise More

Regular exercise is crucial for just about every area of the body — including your mind. Not only can exercise boost serotonin in the brain and make you feel happier, but it also gives you a feeling of control. That’s something people with anxiety need. You are in control of the type of exercise you do, how long, etc. Sometimes, just that knowledge Learn to Relax

Learning to relax might sound easier said than done when you’re dealing with anxiety. Finding ways to calm down and tap into relaxation on your own time can be a big help in quelling symptoms. Some of the most useful relaxation techniques you can do on your own include:

  • Mindfulness techniques

  • Meditation methods

  • Yoga routines

All of these practices allow you to hit the pause button on whatever is going on. They require you to focus on your innermost self, including your breath. With mindfulness, you stay focused on the present moment and how you feel in the here and now. You allow your thoughts to come and go freely, without holding on to any particular one or judging your response.

Meditation, in general, has been stereotyped quite a bit over the years. However, you don’t need to go through some special ritual to do it. Instead, simply start by sitting in a quiet room. If you are comfortable, close your eyes. Focus on taking deep breaths, and what that feels like within your body. You might be surprised at how quickly it calms you down.

Do You Need Therapy for Anxiety?

So, is therapy really necessary if you have anxiety? In most cases, it is an invaluable path toward relief and recovery. Again, anxiety doesn’t just go away on its own and help is nothing to be ashamed of. The most important thing is that you understand where your worry is coming from. with increased awareness and understanding, you can more easily learn to manage your symptoms on your own.

Therapy helps you to do that. We're here to support you. Together, we can work on developing the skills you need to face your anxiety and its triggers. In time, you are like to feel better and more capable of living life the way you want. Please read more about anxiety therapy and contact us soon for a personal consultation.


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